Who are we?

Energy Brains of Our Time

Energy Thinktank Africa (ETTA) is an energy consulting firm that aims at providing Constructive solutions to energy related ideas. We connect investors in energy projects to Financiers, We Recruit for Energy companies and handle technical Management operations and Partnerships

Our Mission

To provide valuable and constructive solutions to energy related ideas, research, innovation, incubation and conduct project management and risks management in Africa.

Our Vision

Being an enabler Sustainable Energy for Development in Africa (SE4D) by supporting and connecting stakeholders to opportunities.

Our Services

Consulting for energy firms

Energy Thinktank Africa (ETTA) Limited conduct feasibilities studies for energy projects, Project Planning, Management & Development. We also do consultancy in Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Solutions (EPCM) and Engineering, Procurement and Construction Financing Solutions (EPCF).

Looking at Energy policies in Africa

ETTA review and improve the energy policies in Africa for better development and benefits to specific countries and regional energy related collaborations. ETTA also Introduces new energy policies for social-economic development to cover new forms of energy; Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Hydropower and Clean Coal Technologies. We Advise on policies for Energy mix, Energy security, Petroleum Management, Ethics and Political Economy.

Research development and Innovation

ETTA Conducts energy related research by collaborating with world class research groups, universities and professionals. ETTA proposes strategic PhD topics and provide support in collaboration with universities and other research groups around the globe. The research results are then transformed into innovation and incubation for maturity.


ETTA provides Trainings on mastering oil and gas policies, laws and regulations. Conducts seminars and professional talks on energy related policies, opportunities, challenges, and research results short courses in selected topics. Provide Local Content Training & Consultancy services


Energy solutions

ETTA provides consultancy on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories, Low carbon solutions, Carbon Trading, Risk and Strategies, African perspective to Global warming and researches on Carbon Dioxide Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Subsurface.

Connecting investors in energy projects to Financiers

ETTA identifies investment opportunities and showcase them to the investors. ETTA is a bridge between the investors Financiers for Energy related projects.

Recruiting for energy companies

ETTA support Companies and organizations to achieve their goals by recruiting employees on behalf. ETTA delivers a comprehensive individual analysis to ensure that our clients employ qualified and talented in all disciplines.

Technical Management operations and Partnerships

ETTA provides consultancy on the design, control, and management of the technical process and operational integrity of technological energy generation plants.

what we treasure

Our Values

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Accountability
  • Collaboration
  • Diversity
Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm


Office: +255 222 96000


ESBC Office Complex 1st Floor,
Kimbiji House, 344 Ghuba Road
Oysterbay Shopping Centre,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.